Scientific Career Assessment
Many of the students today are compelled to choose a career path that is influenced by peer pressure, parental compulsion or simply due to lack of awareness. First thing they should do is to analyze inner potential, strengths & interests and then plan further.
At SOCCM, we follow a very scientific career assessment methodology before considering any student for a course. Based on the assesment report, student career aspirant, family scenario and career counselling by expert, we suggest the further career path to be choosen.

Domain Specific Training
Based on the domain choosen by the student, he or she goes under a rigorous and specialised training. With this methodology, students will develop skills in order to identify, evaluate, plan, execute and intervene with any day-to-day work needs at their choosen Industry.
By close collaboration with the association of companies, we understand the need of the industry today. Our Innovative curriculum moulds the student with all necessary skills to be deployed on Job.

Life Engineering Program
Life Engineering Program is a scientific and studious approach to accomplishing a better living along with better career. The program is designed to inculcate good personality attributes in our students through a series of lectures, discussions, workshops, practicing yoga and meditation. This program that runs all along the course provides simple opportunities for our students to become better individuals in life.
Some of the objectives covered in our Life Engineering Program: avoid conflict, manage disagreements, stress management, anger management, dealing with relationships, people psychology, optimism, attitute building, leadership skills etc.,.

Finishing School
Our Innovative and balanced education delivery will ensure students are well shaped to meet the necessary corporate demands. Beginning from from orientation, many extracurricular training and methodologies are intact with academic which will trains students to develop their Skills at both functional and behavioral levels.
Some of the comprehensive employability trainings that students undergo: Written Communications, Group Communication and Discussions, Handling Presentations and Seminars, E - Communications, Office Etiquettes, Public Speaking and Debating Skills, Language and Grammar
Observation Skills, Body Language and Dress Codes, Social Manners, Time Management, Attitude Building, Team Work, Confidence and Optimism, Decision Making, Managerial Skills

Comprehensive Learning Methods
Unlike the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ style of teaching, we follow very effective and innovative methodologies of learning. Our comprehensive approach relates classroom teaching to “real business practices”.
EXPONENTIAL LEARNING: This happens when you are immersed in an environment where you entrain the mindset, the physiology and the consciousness of the felicitator of Knowledge. SOCCM students connects to facts and figures that creates the outcome during the learning: Synchronize with your mentor, Bare your soul, Ask questions and invite observations, Embrace the pain, Adopt radically different behaviors, Expect to be scared, Celebrate your growth.
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: SOCCM students undergo a formal, supervised learning experiences that rely substantially applying through direct experience the knowledge and information acquired through reading, simulations or electronic exercises, faculty instruction, or other modes of learning directly within the context and duration of the course.

Incubation Center
Today, entrepreneurship does not just regard self-employment; rather, it has some element of innovation and growth potential. People are valued for the entrepreneur ability such as to innovate, lead, change, recognize emerging markets, and launch new products.
SOCCM has exclusive incubation center which will allow students to develop abilities to create, discover and exploit opportunities in start-up ventures or existing organizations. We understand the fact that nascent entrepreneurship prevalence rates are highest in the youth and hence our support program engages their creative pursuits through developing appropriate leadership skills.
Our Incubation center provides support, mentorship, technical guidance, expert advice and above all share the infrastructural resources to the entrepreneur student(s) who believe in themselves enough to take the prospect of failure head-on and have the determination to come out on top.

Industry Visits
Our Country is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Visiting corporate here and interacting with real-time professionals plays a significant role in learning process. In order to enhance the theoretical knowledge of students with Industry practice, students are taken on Industry Visits as a part of the curriculum. Students will get a chance to analyzing and understand the methods in handling corporate challenges which adds immense value to the learning process.
SOCCM Students visit and interact with various departments & sections in the organization; all their queries and doubts are handled directly by the company authorities themselves. Students also get to understand, how an organization deals with skilled and unskilled labors, hierarchy levels and co-ordination between various departments etc. Students are also addressed by the Management at the organization itself.

Student Clubs
Learning is a lifetime process; with an open mind, one can learn lessons from most of the things we see in our daily life. At SOCCM we want our students to be such Mind Openers!
Students clubs at SOCCM welcome students to a balanced experience with fun filled activities and radical ideas. We believe true education is a blend of effort, energy, enthusiasm, expectations and evaluation of wishful thinking. As a student of SOCCM you get to be a part of sports, cultural, adventurous and social responsible activities. Festivals, Ethnic Day, Freshers Party, Blood Donations and Green Revolution are some landmark events.
Under the guidance of our mentors, the extra/co-curricular activities are structured well and integrated with academic framework. Each of the programmes & activities have a specific timeline, learning objectives, desirable and measurable outcomes, ensures high student participation and requires oodles of creative energy round the year.