A hard nut to crack! That is the general perception about Civil Services Examination. But it isn't really so with the right approach, the right guidance, a bit of hard work and a lot of smart work. Vision, Aptitude, Judgment, Integrity, Rationality, Assertiveness and Organisation are some key attributes expected of Civil Services aspirants. SOCCM stands for all of that.
Our systematic teaching method encourages students to develop a positive attitude to crack the UPSE exam and it gives you an opportunity to prepare your dream career with the help of our high-quality mentorship. Here, every student experiences creative excitement along with the thrill of adding to his store of knowledge.
Our specialized training will prepare students for the following exams:
- Civil Services Examination (CSE)
- Engineering Services Exam (IES)
- Indian Forest Services Exam (IFoS)
- Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service Examination (IES/ISS)
- Assistant Provident Fund Commissioners
- Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA)
- Combined Defence Services Exam (CDS)
- National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Exam (NDA and NA)
- Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE)
- Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination
- Central Armed Police Forces Exam